Health Anxiety – Breaking the Cycle

Health Anxiety – Breaking the Cycle, Challenge your anxiety & live free of fear.
- Do you worry about your health obsessively?
- Do you find yourself checking your body for signs of illness?
- Do you spend time searching the internet to try to reassure yourself that you are not ill only to find that this makes you even more fearful?
- Do you worry that you may have a serious illness now or that you will develop one in the future?
- Are these anxious thoughts & actions disrupting your everyday life?
These are all signs of Health Anxiety, a very common and growing form of anxiety that is miserable to live with and causes a lot of unnecessary suffering.
It doesn’t have to be this way…Are you ready to challenge your anxiety and break free from it?
In this course you can work in your own time and space to:
- Apply new ways to think and deal with anxious thoughts
- Take charge of your health in a responsible, prudent way without obsession & anxiety
- Be able to separate facts from the fiction (what is real and what is in your head)
- Acknowledge that life is uncertain and be happy to live this way (the only way)
- Be comfortable with allowing things to be as they are
- Realise that you can live without anxiety and fear
- Stop feeling the need to control life or protect yourself and instead be able to just live life with abundance!
This course has 23 short lectures, each taking between 3 and 5 minutes to complete. They will involve soul searching and challenging your thoughts. Using video lectures, visualisations, self-discovery practices and practical exercises you will first understand the process of your anxiety and then start to challenge these anxious thoughts.
You will then be able to think about your health in a responsible but no longer obsessive way and be able to just get on and enjoy living!