Online Business Fundamentals – Social Listening

Online Business Fundamentals – Social Listening, Find Your Online Business Audience, Learn to Listen to Them and Make More Sales.

Course Description

Do you ever wish that you could read your customer’s mind?  It can be very frustrating to work on a course or other product and have it land with a resounding thud.  You know that your customer can use what you are offering – yet they don’t bite.

The missing factor is often that the course is presented in “your” voice vs. using language the customer is using to describe their problems.

In this course, you’ll learn how to find your audience online and truly listen to them to find out what problems they have and what solutions they are looking for.

We’ll discuss how to determine how many social media platforms to engage on and which ones to choose for the best results.

We’ll dive deep into social listening to help you read between the lines and learn about your audience from a variety of social media and other online sources.  While you are learning about your audience, you can also be building relationships through engagement.

Finally, we’ll dive into how to book effective live market research calls with potential clients.  We cover recruiting call participants from social media but also through email outreach.

At the end of this course, you’ll have a consistent system to listen to your audience and start building relationships one bite at a time.

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