Case managers training programme

Case managers training programme, Case mangers training course.


Docspert health is the leading platform for connecting patients to worldwide international experts, your role as a case manager will mainly evolve around connecting the patients with the expert. You play an important part starting by taking the history and preparing the patient’s file and being fully aware of the case to deliver the whole situation of the patient to the expert. Note that the expert’s opinion will mainly depend on the picture you draw and send to the expert. On the other hand, you also play an important role in explaining and making sure that the expert’s opinion is fully understood by the patient, and provide any help in following the treatment plan, even when the consultation is over. You’ll be fully trained and 100% able to provide the patients with this and know how to deal with every step of the process and all the specific situations. You take full training in all the aspects of the service starting from the history taking, by following our modified templates in each and every specialty. Till preparing the final report and explaining it to the patient. Being a case manager at docspert will not only help you in a scientific way, but it also promotes the growth of your personality without even you noticing it. Enjoy!

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