Building Web-Based Engineering Tools with JavaScript

Building Web-Based Engineering Tools with JavaScript, Learn how to use JavaScript and HTML to build your own engineering calculation software.
Course Description
Are you an engineer interested in programming and software development? Do you regularly use Excel to build your own calculation spreadsheets?
Learn how to build your own engineering calculation software using JavaScript and the SkyCiv Quick Design framework!
In this course we’ll learn basic JavaScript and HTML and build a web-application together, all in under 2 hours! This course is intended for engineers who are new to programming, and we’ll cover all the fundamentals you need to understand how web-applications are built.
The course will cover the following topics:
- Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
- JavaScript Programming
- Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
- Dynamic SVG Graphics
- MathJax Reporting
- Markdown Documentation
We’ll also use the components from the Quick Design JavaScript framework to accelerate the creation and testing of our web application. SkyCiv has developed the Quick Design framework in-house to build complex structural analysis and design software. This framework has now been opened to the public to allow engineers to develop their own calculation software without the need for investment in servers and web architecture.
Upon completion of the course, we’ll also provide an overview on how to host your own web applications on the SkyCiv Quick Design Framework.