Wizard World vs. Star Wars: Common Literary Themes

Wizard World vs. Star Wars: Common Literary Themes, Explore literary themes found in both Star Wars and the popular British wizard books.

Explore literary themes found in both Star Wars and the popular British wizard books, along with other awesome novels that share these same themes. Great for fans, but no prior knowledge of these two fandoms is required to enjoy the class.

In this class, we’ll discuss the plot elements and themes that the Wizard World and Star Wars have in common. Students will learn how to identify these themes and spot them in books they read in the future. Along the way, I’ll recommend a variety of young adult novels (both classic and modern) that also fit these themes. This class is a great way to find your next favorite book!

Due to the nature of the class, expect there to be spoilers both from Star Wars and from the Wizard World. (This course is not an official product of the Harry Potter Universe and has no affiliation with the Wizarding World.)

Part 1: The different types of fantasy literature – what fantasy categories do the two fandoms fit into?

Part 2: The popular narrative pattern known as The Hero’s Journey. What Harry Potter books fit the Hero’s Journey pattern? What Star Wars movies fit this same pattern?

Part 3: The “Orphan Hero” theme and why readers and authors love it so much.

Part 4: The Curse of Immortality, and the Light vs. Dark dichotomy (with its prevalence throughout human history).

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