RELAXATION – De Stress with Acupressure

RELAXATION – De Stress with Acupressure, A simple massage protocol that you can learn and practice today.

Course Description

In Eastern Medicine they view the person as part of an holistic component of the whole of life. This means that when one part of that whole is blocked, stressed or weak it can have a detrimental effect on everything else. We know this as STRESS or tension in Western society. Notice how a person’s condition can reflect upon those around them, in the way in which bad news and the suffering of others can bring us down. Or conversely the way in which their joy and happiness is similarly infectious. These are examples of that connectedness we share.

We need to see therefore that one cannot separate mental, emotional, physical or environmental problems according to this model, we need to consider everything together, as one.

This is a short course in which Jamie shows you how to massage a sequence of acupressure points to calm the mind and body and to de-stress the system. The body has a network of meridians or channels of energy running through it, on these meridians are points where the energy can be located and influenced by massage. Since ultimately every part of this network is connected to every other part we can use just a few of these points to allow any stuck energy or blocks in the system to dissipate. This is somthing you can do easily and without undressing or needing any special equipment. It serves as an introduction to Jamies longer Fast-Track course on acupressure & healing techniques.

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