Woodworking for Beginners

Woodworking for Beginners, Projects for Beginners.
Course Description
If you’ve ever wanted to get into woodworking but you see that people own tools and equipment costing hundreds and thousands of dollars and you feel intimidated. Well tis course is perfect for you through out the course I will be providing woodworking project which anyone can do no matter your skill level or past experience. I show you step by step what tools you should buy and materials needed, in depth explanation on how to design your workpiece and the right way to then completing your projects.
The thrill of finishing a project no matter of how big or small it is a feeling you can’t describe with words. People ask me all the time “hey did you make that” in disbelieve that I was capable of doing such a task and i kindly say back “yes I made that” that right there is one of the many joy in woodworking that you could find by taking the course.