Mastering 8086 Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programs

Mastering 8086 Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programs, Learn the concepts of 8086 architecture,instruction set,assembler directives and assembly language programming.

Course Description

In this course, you will learn all the information regarding the 8086 microprocessor and its assembly language programming techniques and programs. It is a well-suited course for those who are appearing for engineering exams at your responding universities.

Before going to dive into the embedded systems field, every engineer must have knowledge of microprocessors and microcontrollers. Once you learn all these concepts, it will be easy to learn the design aspects in the embedded area.


Introduction to 8086 microprocessor

8086 Microprocessor Architecture

Register organization of microprocessor

Pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor

Physical memory organization

Memory organization of 8086

Memory map of the 8086

I/O address capability


System bus structure

General bus cycle operation

Maximum mode timing diagram

Minimum mode timing diagram

8284 clock generator

8288 bus controller


Instruction set of a microprocessor

Addressing modes of 8086

Data transfer instructions

Arithmetic instructions

BCD instructions

Decimal and ASCII instructions

Logical and shifting instructions

Conditional and unconditional instructions

Stack instructions

Assembler directives


Introduction to the Assembly Language Program

Assembly language format

Flow chart method in assembly language

Assembly language program of 8-bit addition

Assembly language program of 8-bit subtraction

Assembly language program of 8-bit multiplication

Assembly language program of 8-bit division

Assembly language program of 16-bit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Assembly language program of 32-bit addition and subtraction

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