The basic first aid training

The basic first aid training, This course aim in providing first aid training on snakebites, burns, stings, cardiovascular and bone fracture.

Course Description

Basic first aid training course aims to teach individual how to respond to medical emergencies and provide basic life saving techniques until the professional help arrives. It includes the understanding the basic of human anatomy and physiology which will be shown by animation. Developing the skills on how to control bleeding, treating and performing CPR.

Despite these challenges, there are efforts being made to improve access to first aid in Africa. Organizations such as the African First Aid Network work to improve first aid education and training in Africa, while the World Health Organization and other international organizations provide support and resources to help improve safety and emergency medical services in African countries.

Accidents in Africa can have severe consequences due to a lack of access to proper first aid. In many African countries, there is a shortage of trained first responders, medical facilities, and emergency medical equipment. This can lead to a delay in receiving proper care and treatment, which can result in serious injury or death.

By using the “basic first aid training course” an individual will be able to perform first aid to a victim because it will focus on how to do rather than what to do. The project targets the form two students of Tanzanian.

Basic first aid training course will contain animated video that shows the clearly demonstrations steps in performing aid to the victim.

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