Office Desk Exercises & Stretches For Posture and Pain

Office Desk Exercises & Stretches For Posture and Pain, Neck, Back, Wrist & Elbow Exercises for Office Workers.

Neck, shoulder, and back pain are common in an office job or if you work from home on a computer. In this course, you’ll learn how to get loosened up and work out the kinks with these exercises you can do at your desk.

Sitting for prolonged periods of time can be a major cause of back pain, cause increased stress of the back, neck, arms, and legs, and can add a tremendous amount of pressure to the back muscles and spinal discs. Whether you work at an office or work from home, working at a desk is a common cause of back and neck pain.

In this course, you will learn multiple exercises and stretches that will help eliminate and reduce neck, back, and wrist pain that affects many office workers.

We’ll go over techniques and exercises that can help relieve and prevent neck pain. Discover the proper way to stretch your back and neck, lengthen your neck muscles and upper spine, and how to stretch your whole body.

We’ll also get into simple exercises that will benefit your neck, wrists, and elbows.

Conditions such as carpal tunnel and tennis elbow can be a result of repetitive and long-term mouse and keyboard use. These exercises help prevent the common pains that plague people who work at desks and computers. We’ll guide you through a series of exercises for your wrists and hands.

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