LSVT BIG for Parkinson’s Disease/Neurological Disorders

LSVT BIG for Parkinson’s Disease/Neurological Disorders, Occupational Therapy.

In this course, you will be able to learn about the treatment approach that I chose to focus on which is LSVT BIG within the Parkinson’s population as well as other neurological disorders. This course will go over my needs assessment and critically appraised topic that I completed prior to beginning my capstone experience, the area of focus for this capstone and overarching goal, guiding approaches, and how the capstone connected to the program themes at Drake University.

It will also go over the site where I completed my capstone as well as what they have to offer, what my typical work week looked like while I was there, the various learning objectives I followed and artifacts that I completed during my time, questions that follow the objectives for the course as well as the answer and an explanation to the answer, and references for all content involved.

This course will allow you to follow along to what LSVT BIG looked like at an outpatient clinic. The course will show the specific exercises used for LSVT BIG and examples of functional tasks to incorporate to the program. I will also go over the different activities that I participated in outside the clinic like Rock Steady Boxing and my time at the Movement Disorder Clinic.

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