Spring boot using ChatGPT and Bing Chat
Spring boot using ChatGPT and Bing Chat, Spring boot using ChatGPT and Bing Chat for beginners.
Course Description
In this course, we will cover the fundamentals of developing a Spring Boot application and deploying it on various cloud platforms. We will use ChatGPT, a language model trained by OpenAI, to create a basic CRUD application, add H2 database support, and include Swagger/Open API and Actuator for monitoring and managing the application.
We will begin by introducing Spring Boot and its key features. We will then move on to creating a “Hello World” application using Spring Boot. Once we have a good understanding of the basics, we will dive into creating a basic CRUD application. We will cover the creation of the controller and its functions, the creation of a service layer to handle business logic, and the creation of a JPA repository to interact with the database. We will also add H2 database support, load data, and test all the CRUD operations. Additionally, we will add Swagger/Open API and Actuator for monitoring and managing the application.
In the next section, we will cover application deployment. We will build an image using the Google Jib plugin and deploy the application on Azure Kubernetes, Google Kubernetes, and AWS Kubernetes.
Finally, we will use ChatGPT to create system diagrams that help us better understand the application architecture and its components. These diagrams will help us visualize the relationships between different components and how they interact with each other.
By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of Spring Boot and how to develop a basic CRUD application using it. You will also learn how to deploy the application on various cloud platforms and use ChatGPT to create system diagrams that help you better visualize and understand the application architecture. This course is ideal for anyone interested in learning Spring Boot and cloud deployment, regardless of their prior programming experience.