Math for 3D/Games Programmers – Chapter 2 (Unity 3D)

Math for 3D/Games Programmers – Chapter 2 (Unity 3D), A beginner’s guide to complex numbers used in 3D/games programming, with examples in Unity 3D engine.
Course Description
The “Math for 3D/Games Programmers” course is the result of my many months of work on a video course which, on the one hand, is intended to be very practical, and on the other hand explains how the theoretical background of the topics discussed, including from time to time delving a little deeper into derivation of some mathematical formulas important for game/3D programmers.
On the one hand, there are a lot of very solid and often voluminous books on 3D mathematics for programmers available on the market (requiring a lot of time to work through them), although they contain few practical examples – reading dry formulas without observing them in action can make them very difficult to understand. On the other hand, we have plenty of free mathematical programming libraries for solving specific programming problems, but whose inner workings can be “dark magic” to us. This course is in the middle – we learn as much theory as needed to understand a given topic, and at the same time we learn this theory on specific sample programs.
This course, which talks about Complex Numbers, is the second in the series of courses that comprehensively cover all the fundamental, and some more advanced topics that every programmer of video games and all types of 3D simulations and applications must be familiar with.