Master Riot v3: Learn Riot.js from Scratch

Master Riot v3: Learn Riot.js from Scratch, Go from zero to Master with the React-inspired, Riot.js library. A powerful, yet flexible, javascript view layer.

Course Description

Learn to create rich web applications using the Riot javascript library.

Go from zero to mastery in all aspects of Riot, including configuration, client & server-side rendering, routing and more.

Master Riot is suited to both complete newcomers to Riot, and advanced Javascript developers looking to quickly and efficiently add Riot to their arsenal.

  • Learn to set up a base Riot configuration according to your project needs
  • Understand the entire Riot API in depth
  • Configure HTML5 routing and route filtering
  • Integrate Riot in more advanced server-side projects
  • Be more creative with your code via Riot’s flexible approach

An incredibly powerful library to know for any Javascript developer.

Javascript is hands-down the fastest growing programming language, and Riot is an invaluable skill for any developer with existing Javascript knowledge.

Riot will enable developers to create rich, powerful web applications without the steep learning curve of React or Angular, and also works exceptionally well as a view layer for native mobile & desktop apps, through the use of technologies such as Phonegap and Electron.

This course will allow Javascript developers to use Riot to it’s full potential and go from complete Riot novice to an an advanced level as quickly as possible.

Content and Overview

This course comprises of 25+ concise video lessons designed to make learning Riot as quick and efficient as possible. The course is suited to anyone with a good understanding of the Javascript programming language.

Absolutely no knowledge of any other Javascript libraries is required, although a basic grasp of Node.js would be helpful for a small section of the course.

The course starts by looking at the different variations of the Riot library, different compilation options and the basics of Riot’s tag syntax.

The next section, which forms the bulk of the course, takes an in-depth look at each individual aspect of the Riot API, including concepts such as styling, looping and handling user interactions.

After mastering the API, the course will move to using Riot on the server (Node.js) and then teach you how to configure and use the Riot router for creating rich, routable web apps.

The final section of the course is a practical project which will put all the previous lessons’ knowledge to use in a real-world web app.

Completing this course will allow you to start creating practical Riot-based web/mobile apps immediately.

All the lessons are designed to be as concise as possible and the course focuses on learning in a practical way.

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