Machine Learning in Python – From A to Z Machine Learning

Machine Learning in Python – From A to Z Machine Learning, Learn Machine Learning Algorithms and their Python Implementations for your Data Science career.

Welcome to the Machine Learning in Python – From A to Z course. This course aims to teach students the machine learning algorithms by simplfying how they work on theory and the application of the machine learning algorithms in Python. Course starts with the basics of Python and after that machine learning concepts like evaluation metrics or feature engineering topics are covered in the course. Lastly machine learning algorithms are covered. By taking this course you are going to have the knowledge of how machine learning algorithms work and you are going to be able to apply the machine learning algorithms in Python. We are going to be covering python fundamentals, pandas, feature engineering, machine learning evaluation metrics, train test split and machine learning algorithms in this course. Course outline is

  • Python Fundamentals
  • Pandas Library
  • Feature Engineering
  • Evaluation of Model Performances
  • Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
  • Machine Learning Algorithms

The machine learning algorithms that are going to be covered in this course is going to be Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines, Decision Tree, Random Forests and K-Means Clustering. If you are interested in Machine Learning and want to learn the algorithms theories and implementations in Python you can enroll into the course. You can always ask questions from course Q&A section. Thanks for reading the course description, have a nice day.

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