Learn to code real-world websites with html & css

Learn to code real-world websites with html & CSS, learn to code websites and make a good living out of web development.

In this course I’ll be teaching you how to create/ build websites and make a good living out of building websites by selling website templates and or freelancing.

My teaching is based on real-world websites. From lesson13 onwards, we’ll start build a real world agency website. After building the agency website we’ll build a buy and sell website and a couple of other real world websites. By the time you finish this course you’ll be able to build any website / website template and sell it if you wish.

If you’ve tried to learn to code before and failed, this course is for. Unlike the rest of free tutorials that you’ll find out there, my teaching is based on real world projects. All my examples and projects are real-world based. I believe that people learn better with real world examples. I used to hate it when lecturers explained concepts of coding in theory without real-world examples.

That is how this course came about. My aim with this course is to make your journey easy as an aspiring coder. Learning to code shouldn’t be difficult in this day and error. The next generation of coders shouldn’t struggle to learn to code like we did.


I wish you all the best in your coding career.

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