‘Leading with Impact’ – Coaching Mastery

‘Leading with Impact’ – Coaching Mastery, Learn how to coach to unleash performance in your teams.

Course Description

Unlocking Leadership Potential through Coaching

  • Are you tired of traditional leadership approaches that yield minimal results?
  • Are you seeking a dynamic approach to leadership that inspires and empowers?
  • Are you ready to break free from self-limiting beliefs and unleash your true potential?

    Join published author & Executive Leadership Coach,  Adele Bradley on this comprehensive course as we dive into the skill set required to be the best leader you can be – taking you through what you NEED to coach others and unleash their potential and enhancing your teams performance!

Module 1: Understanding Coaching

In this module, you’ll delve into the essence of coaching, distinguishing it from mentoring and counselings. By grasping the fundamental concepts, you’ll uncover how coaching cultivates personal and professional growth, fostering a collaborative and empowering environment.

Module 2: Benefits of Coaching as a Leadership Style

Explore the transformative power of coaching in leadership roles. Discover how adopting a coaching approach enhances communication, fosters trust, and drives performance. Learn how to leverage coaching to unlock the full potential of your team and propel organisational success.

Module 3: Leadership Mindset Toolkit

Uncover the nuances between formal and informal coaching methodologies. Equip yourself with the essential tools and techniques to become a proficient coach. From active listening to powerful questioning, master the skills required to facilitate meaningful and impactful coaching sessions.

Module 4: Learning the Coaching Framework

Dive deep into a structured coaching framework designed to guide your coaching journey. Explore the intricacies of each stage, from establishing rapport to setting actionable goals. Through intentional practice, refine your coaching prowess and elevate your effectiveness as a leader.

Module 5: Small Change, Big Difference

Identify and confront limiting beliefs that impede personal and professional growth. Develop a personalised plan tailored to your unique aspirations and challenges. Cultivate a resilient mindset and cultivate habits that nurture confidence, resilience, and sustained success.

Through this comprehensive course, you’ll emerge equipped with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to unlock leadership potential through the transformative power of coaching. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and unleash the full potential of yourself and those you lead.

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