CSS Grid Course (2022)

CSS Grid Course (2022), All you need about Grid.

Course Description

WARNING ABOUT COURSE DESCRIPTION).  A course description on Udemy must contain at least 200 words. It’s difficult to write, especially for a free course ( which cannot exceed 2H total video ). Due to some people not finding it professional, I had to explain this. I could explain what you can expect from the course in a few sentences, but as I mentioned it’s not available. Feel free to skip reading the course description if you wish.

What you will learn?

  • Everything about Grid
  • You will learn how to use “All properties” with examples
  • Difference between Grid and Flexbox, which one you should prefer
  • You will be able to build your website or project!
  • You will learn how Layout Works
  • You will learn how responsive website designing
  • How does “display” work?
  • How does “grid template columns” work?
  • How does “grid template rows” work?
  • How does “grid template ares” work?
  • How does justify content work?
  • How does align content work?
  • How does justify items work?
  • How does align place items work?
  • How does grid auto columns work?
  • How does grid auto rows work?
  • How does grid auto flow work?
  • How does grid column start work?
  • How does grid column end work?
  • How does row column start work?
  • How does row column end work?
  • How does align self work?
  • How does justify self work?
  • How does grid area work?
  • Which properties are for grid container
  • Which properties are for grid item
  • We will build two different projects so that you can practice
  • Project one is smaller than project 2. You will learn how the layout works well by building, and practicing these projects.

What Are the requirements for this course?

  • Almost really nothing, except having basic HTML, CSS, and how to use IDE.

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who wants to learn how the grid works
  • How the layout system works
  • Difference between Flexbox and Grid
  • Learn how to make your layout projects

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