Create a TODO List using nodejs and vue3

Create a TODO List using nodejs and vue3, Crush course on creating a TODO list.

Course Description

Audience: This course is for anyone who are new to web development or an experienced developer but never tried on nodejs or vue3.


In this course, you will learn how to build a very simplified form of TODO list using Node.js and Vue.js. You will learn how to create a list of tasks, add tasks to the list, and delete tasks. You will also learn how to save your TODO list in the backend database so that you can access it later.

Course Outline:

  • Lecture 1: A demo for the TODO list we will build.
  • Lecture 2: Backend development
  • Lecture 3: Frontend development
  • Lecture 4: What’s next?

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Design a website end to end
  • Setup the database
  • Setup the backend sever and handle REST ful requests
  • Single page app (SPA) using vue3


This course will teach you the basics of Node.js, Vue.js, and how to build a simple TODO list. This knowledge can be applied to a variety of other projects, such as building a to-do app, a task manager, or a project management tool.


I am also available to answer any questions that you have about the web development or coding in general. Feel free to contact me for anything you want to learn.

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