Competitive Programming for Dummies | 1. Arrays

Competitive Programming for Dummies | 1. Arrays, Learn the Basics of Competitive Programming from scratch for Coding Rounds in Placements and for other Coding Contests

Course Description

Hello friends, Welcome to my course on Competitive Programming!!!

Github Repository : /CyberkidAdithya/CompetitivePython

In this course, you will be learning everything you need in order to become an expert coder in C++ for both placements and competitive programming contests. I will covering a wide range of important concepts in Programming and we will also be looking into problems from popular programming contests from Google Kickstart, Codechef, Codeforces etc.

Few of the CONCEPTS which I will be covering are as follows: 

Basic Programming

Object Oriented Programming

Time && Space Complexity

Loops, Arrays, Math, Probability

Circular Arrays, Matrices, Strings

Permutations && Combinations

Bit Masking && Bit Manipulations

Recursion && Backtracking

Dynamic Programming

Prefix Sum, Precomputations

Square Root Decomposition

Sliding Window

Modular Arithmetic

Number Theory, Geometry

Greedy Approach, Bruteforce

Two Pointer Approach

Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues

Sets, Heaps && Priority Queues

Hashing, Trees and Graphs

Binary Search Trees, Search Trees

Tries, Segment Trees, Fenwick Trees

Minimum Spanning Trees, Suffix Trees


Few of the ALGORITHMS which I will be covering are as follows: 

Divide and Conquer

Searching, Sorting

BFS, DFS, Traversal

Shortest Path, Dijkstra

Kadane, Manhattan Distance

Gaussian Elimination


Floyd Warshall


Euclidean Algorithm

Topological Sort

Prim, Krushal

Chinese Remainder Theorem

Sieve of Eratosthenes


Logarithmic Exponentiation

Maximizing Problems

Fast-Fourier Transform

In this course, you will be learning everything you need in order to become an expert coder in C++ for both placements and competitive programming contests. I will covering a wide range of important concepts in Programming and we will also be looking into problems from popular programming contests from Google Kickstart, Codechef, Codeforces etc. By the end of this course, you will have a very good knowledge in CP.

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