CodeIgniter 4: from scratch Step by Step

CodeIgniter 4: from scratch Step by Step, Codeigniter 4 and from scratch – Step By Step with PHP 8, Bootstrap 5 + API RestFul.
We develop the course in a unix-like environment such as Linux, so it is advisable to have prior knowledge in this type of environment, as well as composer, the course we started from 0 developing various projects step by step.
Welcome to this course and I hope you like it, see you in the classes.
It is necessary to have php installed in its version 7 since we will work with version 4 CodeIgniter which is the last one so far, combining this framework with other frameworks such as bootstrap 4 and mysql.
Something interesting about the CodeIgniter framework is its template system which allows us to easily organize html elements, apply inheritance among other features such as extend, include, if cycles, foreach easily and quickly.
includes interesting elements such as bundles and component handling to create professional applications, which is easy to maintain in a collaborative team of developers.
Something interesting about postgresql is its simple system which allows us to easily organize our ideas, apply logic among other features easily and quickly.
Change includes interesting elements to create professional applications, which is easy to maintain in a collaborative team of developers, once you have knowledge of sql with postgresql it will be much easier for you to migrate to any programming language or technology
***** learn step by step with php 7 or 8 in 2022 *****
***** Learn without fear step by step *****