Build Twitter Bots With Python Django and Tweepy

Build Twitter Bots With Python Django and Tweepy, Hands-on course on building Twitter bots using the tweepy python library and Django.

This course will teach you how to create Twitter bots that will help you grow a business or personal following on Twitter. You don’t need any prior knowledge because I’ll walk you through the steps of creating a Twitter developer account, installing the python Django framework, installing the tweepy library, and using the tweepy library to construct bots on the python Django framework with a PostgreSQL database.

I’ll demonstrate how to create a like tweets bot using two filter parameters: good keywords and negative keywords. My bot will like a tweet if it contains any good keywords; otherwise, it will skip liking the tweet if it contains both good and negative keywords. I’ll also show you how to use the retweet tweets bot, which works similarly to the like tweet bot. You’ll also learn how to send a welcome message to new followers automatically. Old followers will not receive a welcome message from the bot. With the final bot that stores direct messages to Postgresql, you’ll also learn how to download direct messages to your Postgres database.

Python is machine neutral, so you can complete this course on a Windows, Linux, or Mac computer.

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