Microsoft Azure
Getting started with Azure Cloud
6 days ago

Getting started with Azure Cloud

Free $59.99
Getting started with Azure Cloud, Learn how to deploy, automate, secure and architect cloud applications with Microsoft Azure cloud platform. Course Description Important notice: The ...
Learn Infra as Code with Azure Bicep
6 days ago

Learn Infra as Code with Azure Bicep

Free $49.99
Learn Infra as Code with Azure Bicep, All you need to know to be successful with Cloud Automation and Cloud DevOps.. Course Description Authored by a Cloud and DevOps engineer, this course will ...
Azure Advanced: Data Factory| PAAS| App Services & Migration
Azure Advanced: Data Factory| PAAS| App Services & Migration, Master advanced Azure skills and elevate your cloud expertise with Data Factory, PAAS, App Services, and Migration. Course ...
Microsoft Azure Mastery: Basics to Advanced Applications
Microsoft Azure Mastery: Basics to Advanced Applications, Master Microsoft Azure and elevate your career with our comprehensive, hands-on course. Course Description Welcome to the Microsoft ...
IT Data Center VM Migration Hybrid Cloud & Disaster Recovery
IT Data Center VM Migration Hybrid Cloud & Disaster Recovery, Disaster Recovery Solution on Microsoft Azure.learn how to migrate servers and VMs to cloud Hands on Demonstration. Course ...
Modern Data Architecture using Microsoft Azure
Modern Data Architecture using Microsoft Azure, An introduction to Azure Data-warehousing Technologies and Principles. Course Description A hands on walk through of a Modern Data ...
Azure Application Gateway for Containers (with Gateway API)
Azure Application Gateway for Containers (with Gateway API), A Comprehensive and Practical Course: Containers, K8s, AKS, Gateway API, Web Applications, Routing, Security, Monitoring. Course ...
Azure Container Registry (ACR): A Complete Guide
7 months ago

Azure Container Registry (ACR): A Complete Guide

Free $54.99
Azure Container Registry (ACR): A Complete Guide, A Comprehensive and Practical Course: Containers, Automation, Networking, Security, Monitoring, HA, AKS, and others. Course Description In the ...
Azure Pipelines/AppService/StaticWebApp/ASPNET Core/Angular
Azure Pipelines/AppService/StaticWebApp/ASPNET Core/Angular, Deploy your Angular Application to Azure Static Web Apps. Deploy your ASP NETCore API to Azure App Service. Azure AKS. Course Description ...
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Training for Beginners
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Training for Beginners, Azure Made Easy: Practice the Basics with AZ-900 Certification Training Questions and Answers! Are you ready to take your Microsoft ...
Deploy Your First Microsoft Azure Solution
Deploy Your First Microsoft Azure Solution, Take your software development career to the next level. In this hands-on course, you will learn how to deploy your first Azure solution from start to ...
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