Lean for beginners: make first steps and get first effects

Lean for beginners: make first steps and get first effects, Learn main Lean defenitions and make your first imrpovements with Lean.
Course Description
Are you interested in Lean and want to understand how you can start applying this concept?
Have you heard about Lean results from your partners or at some conference and want to achieve the same level in your processes?
Are you trying to get higher position and looking for essential management concepts?
Then you’re in the right place and this Lean course is just what you are looking for. It will help you improve you results and make your tasks easier no matter what industry you work in.
Lean is a management concept based on maximum customer orientation, increasing efficiency and ensuring the required level of quality within all company personnel involvement. So it is the way how you manage your company and processes, how you cope with the problems and the way of your thinking. It arose as an interpretation of the ideas from Toyota production system.
There will no long history of Lean origins in this course, there will be no general principles and there will be no hard explanation of the theory. The course contains only essentials that you can immediately apply and get effects.
You will understand what Lean is and make your first steps to improve your processes and achieve better results.
The course covers all basic terms and contains video examples which help you to understand the difference between value-adding activities and wastes and difference between types of wastes.
You will get an algorithm for you first steps that you can quickly make and get your first effects and you will be able to ensure about Lean effectiveness.
In addition, you you will get useful forms for monitoring your processes and record your improvements.
Later, you can share this algorithm and forms with your employees and they will also able to improve their processes in easy way.
Let’s make your first steps in Lean togerther.