Customer Experience for Non-CX Professionals

Customer Experience for Non-CX Professionals, How to generate sustainable business growth by being customer-focused.

According to the Temkin Group, a moderate increase in customer experience (CX) generates an average revenue increase of $823 million over three years for a company with $1 billion in annual revenues. This sounds like a nice prospect, doesn’t it? Yet, many see customer experience as an intangible dream that is disconnected from commercial reality. In this course, I will demonstrate that CX is a business discipline that, if approached in the right way, can make your company loved by customers, employees, and shareholders!

This course provides an introduction to the discipline of CX, defines its key concepts, principles, and tools. More importantly, it provides practical tips on how to start your CX program – from CX Strategy creation, change readiness assessment to employee engagement and customer-centric culture facilitation.

This course is not designed to give you a professional CX qualification, but after its completion, you should be able to:

1. Clearly articulate what is customer experience and why you need it

2. Create a CX Strategy that is unique to your company

3. Understand how to map customer journeys and why journey management is important

4. Identify customer and business goals within each journey

5. Understand what processes support each step and who owns them

6. Collaboratively map the processes with all involved

7. Create a foundation for continuous process improvement

8. Check customer feedback and satisfaction scores

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