Speech-Language Pathology 101

Speech-Language Pathology 101, What is an SLP.

Welcome to this introductory lecture. If you are a parent, caregiver, or related professional (such as a special education teacher, physical therapist, etc), I’ve designed this lecture as a “crash course” in the field of speech-language pathology. A speech-language pathologist is more than just a professional who helps someone correctly say the “s” sound, or helps someone who stutters. The field of speech-language pathology is much more than that.

In this lecture, you will learn about the four common areas, typically treated by speech-language pathologists. As a parent or caregiver, I believe arming yourself with more knowledge, allows for better conversations and outcomes with your child’s pediatrician. As a professional in a related field, learning more information about the field of speech-language pathology, allows you access to additional knowledge, when considering referring a child to a speech-language pathologist.

At the conclusion of this lecture you will have successfully learned the following learning objectives:

  1. Gain more knowledge about the profession of speech-language pathology.
  2. Learn the general roles of a speech-language pathologist.
  3. Learn about the four common areas typically treated by speech-language pathologists.
  4. Gain information to make an informed decision when choosing the right speech-language pathologist for your child.

I’m excited about this lecture and I hope you are as well.

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