English Vocabulary: Learn with movies

English Vocabulary: Learn with movies, In this course we have covered the first part of an animated movie to teach you vocabulary, grammar, etc.

Course Description

Animations are great resources enriched with commonly used vocabulary, structures, phrases, expressions and grammar.

Above all, you must note that animations are filled by day to day idioms which are really helpful to sound more like a native person. Speaking idiomatically is a very hard ability for English learners. However, one of the primary objectives of this is to make learning English easy, fun and entertaining.

In this course, we’ve picked one of the most popular animations and we’ve analyzed the language that is used in the first 12 minutes of the animation.

All you have to is to sit back and have the pleasure of watching an animation.

With advanced technology comes advanced learning.

Most importantly, we’re here to help you and to explain to you step by step what they all mean and how they’re used.

We have also prepared a work sheet including more information and practice designated for each episode separately.

If you’re an intermediate English learner and want to boost your speaking, this course is for you.

We hope you find this course helpful and entertaining.

If you would like to see more of the animation explained, let us know and give us your feedback so we can make a better course for you to better your English.

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