American English Consonants for All

American English Consonants for All, Pronunciation for IT Professionals from all Language Backgrounds.
Course Description
You can learn to articulate clearly! Messy consonants make it difficult or impossible for others to understand you. Learn to produce and distinguish between all the English consonants at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a word. The course is dense with detail about every consonant, so you may have to watch certain parts more than once to make sure you’ve got it. You’ll learn different spelling patterns for each consonant sound. You’ll learn the common pitfalls for each consonant sound and how to avoid them. And you’ll learn how consonants change as they connect to other words. Example sentences are from everyday life as well as high tech or business fields, so you will be exposed to a variety of vocabulary. The course includes repetition audio practice so you can repeat the sentences over and over again to develop muscle memory. This course has lessons for learners from various language backgrounds. It will be beneficial for Chinese, Indian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Russian speakers, and more. The instructor has free office hours on Zoom once a month, so you are invited to meet her for questions and to have her check your pronunciation and whether you are incorporating the information properly.