Getting paid to photograph festivals

Getting paid to photograph festivals, Your strategy to get more festival photography assignments.

Course Description

Struggle Getting Festivals To Work With You?

Get a step-by-step guide to get the job you want! Starting out as a festival photographer in this field can be tough, especially with festivals getting flooded with requests from photographers eager to shoot for free. All the organizations I’ve interviewed when I was building this training said that they get at least 10 up to 50 requests from photographers for their events. But don’t worry, I know how you can stand uit!

My story as a Festival & Event photographer started – by coaching a pool of international festival photographers for a website I used to own. This website got a lot of attention and we were invited to events, like Ultra Music Festival. I helped our team get access to these big events.

This Accreditation Course covers everything, from creating your application, building a portfolio to convincing organizations to work with you!

Don’t waste your time blindly e-mailing festivals, just to have your e-mail instantly be deleted. If you follow this step by step training on how to get access to festivals and events, you will learn how to stand out with your requests. And before you know it, you will get a chance to start working on your portfolio, meet new people at events, and take your first steps to become a full-time professional festival photographer!

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