Your first 100 YouTube subscribers, the BIG BRAIN way!

Your first 100 YouTube subscribers, the BIG BRAIN way!, Learn proven techniques to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube.

Course Description

Hello and welcome to my course! I’m Developed Pond, a YouTuber, and musician.

Not all YouTubers are created equal. Some achieve lightspeed growth while others must grind for years to get any traction.

This course is specifically aimed at those wanting to start a YouTube channel for the first time and will show you proven techniques to get your first 100 subscribers.

The course is broken down into easy-to-digest, bite-sized chunks structured in a logical and cohesive way. The course is structured in such a way as to provide you with all the tools, advice, and skills needed before you venture forth and begin gaining subscribers. Ultimately, it’s set up, to set you up for success!

There is ample scope for studying when starting a YouTube channel and I’ve signposted the student to the most relevant extracurricular materials.

After every lecture, there is attached an easy-to-understand PDF summary of what you’ll learn in the video lectures to help solidify the information studied.

To gain the most from this course, follow it at a steady pace and study each and every piece of extracurricular material supplied.

I sincerely hope you reach your first 100 soon as a result of studying this course.

Yours truly,

Developed Pond

Online Tutorials
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