Transforming Your Life Using Seed System

Transforming Your Life Using Seed System, How to overcome your current challenges in life with this ancient Principle.
Course Description
This 6 series of video course would serve as fundamental of Seed System where it derived from Ancient Tibetan teaching and practices by the monks dated back since Buddha era. Originally this practices only meant and confined for ordained monks and empowered practitioner of Buddhist.
Today, thanks to many high lama and great teachers especially Michael Roach who spend 25 years at Sera Mey Monastery in India studied this ancient Principle. In today modern world, this principle again was being made known to lay-man understand suit our busy lifestyle by Geshe Michael.
Knowing most people would face difficulty of understanding, as his student and many other great teachers in spiritually, I have condensed the fundamental into 6 series of videos for a start. In the event, you want to implement this into your life and reversing all your current problems, you are welcome to contact me further.
Taking this principle one step further, I have extended this ancient principle knowledge co-relate into actionable in bytes size so that you could grasp and see the results within specific period of time.
If you have decided to go deep dive into how to turn around your financial situation, I welcome you to take a look at my practical and application program, How to use Seed System to Achieve Financial Freedom.