Stress Management Simplified

Stress Management Simplified, Understand Feelings of Stress. Take Control. Manage Risks. Be Mindful of Your Thoughts, Actions, and Reactions.

Course Description

Many courses that try to teach you stress management can be overwhelming and filled with technical jargon and medical terminology. This course ‘Stress Management Simplified’ tries to keep things simple and uses analogies and real life examples to help you relate to what’s being taught. It may not suit everyone perfectly but if you watch each video lesson with an open mind, I believe you’ll gain some valuable knowledge.

The course starts by giving you a much clearer understanding of what stress really is. I have previously offered a short course called ‘Understanding Stress’ and have included it in the first 30 minutes or so of this course. If you completed the ‘Understanding Stress’ course some time ago, then I encourage you to do the whole of the ‘Stress Management Simplified’ course. If however you only recently completed ‘Understanding Stress’, feel free to fast forward through this section.

The remainder of the course is designed to get you thinking, and quite possibly thinking differently from what you’re used to. Having gained a solid understanding of what stress really is in the first section, you will soon see that how you think about events and situations in your life plays a huge role in creating the feelings of stress you may experience. It will take time and practice to improve your skills in this area, but managing stress really does include managing your thoughts.

I have also outlined a risk management approach to stress management that may help you. In combination with effective relaxation, mindfulness, and thought monitoring, risk management as described in this course should help you free up your mind, and reduce the possible negative impact that dwelling on possible future events or situations may have on you.


If you are finding your current levels of stress to be unmanageable PLEASE seek medical advice immediately.

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