Sacred Geometry and Symbols

Sacred Geometry and Symbols, Enhance Your Life With Sacred Geometry Symbols.

Course Description

Sacred geometric patterns exist all around us, creating the fundamental structure and templates of life in the universe. The patterns can be broken down into a language of mathematics that rules the entirety of our visible and invisible world. The geometrical archetypes reveal the nature of each form and its vibrational resonance, symbolizing the inseparable relationship between everything and everyone, which ultimately makes up our whole matrix and the universe at large – embodying oneness. So what exactly is the spiritual meaning behind these geometric symbols? We sat down with wellness practitioner Michelle Harris to examine some of the beautiful patterns and shed some light on their meaning


Many teachings have described Sacred Geometry as the blueprint of creation and the genesis, the origin of all forms. Sacred geometry is considered an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of creation organizes itself. It is said that every natural pattern of growth or movement comes back to one or more geometric shapes.

The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snowflakes, flower petals, crystals, a shell, the stars, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms are created out of geometric codes.

Sacred symbols are often created based on simple geometric shapes. A sacred geometric symbol usually contains a collection of basic shapes. These include circles, triangles, and spirals that are compiled into a specific design.

Meanings of Basic Shapes

Circle: oneness, unity, wholeness, and cycles of life.

Triangle: balance, harmony, building blocks of the universe, higher consciousness. When pointed upward, represents the mind, body, and spirit.

Square: a solid foundation, grounding, stability, safety, dependability, and balance.

Spiral: the shape of DNA, energy flows in spirals through the chakras and connects the physical body to the higher self. Links you to the center of Gaia, and represents “as within, so without.”

Cross: the union between heaven and Earth.

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