ISO 21001:2018 EOMS Internal Auditor Course

ISO 21001:2018 EOMS Internal Auditor Course, Certified ISO 21001:2018 EOMS Internal Auditor.

This course is a complete guideline on how to read the ISO 21001:2018 standard and understand its requirement and how to implement it then how to create an audit checklist and the audit process from the audit plan to the NC report.

This 2-hour course will take you through the process of auditing by real examples and practical way.

The instructor will show how each document will be create and show how to use it.

At the end of the course, you will be able to create your own checklist and audit documents to start your auditing and implementing the ISO 21001:2018 standard requirement. Also, you will be able to audit the organization safety process and procedure against the ISO 21001:2018 requirements and improve the system.

Course Outcomes:

1. You will become a certified EOMS Internal Auditor.

2. You will be able to lead ISO 21001:2018 internal audits for the educational organizations.

3. You will be able to identify the areas for improvement in the educational organizations.

4. You can combine the new knowledge with your experience to transform the educational organizations worldwide.

EOMS is the Management Systems for Educational Organizations based on ISO 21001:2018 requirements. It is the first ever International Management System Standard published by ISO specifically for the education sector. This stand-alone Management System standard focuses on the specific interaction between an Educational Organization, the learner, educators and other relevant interested parties.

An effective educational management system is the key to educational transformation. In order to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the teaching & learning processes, risk controls, monitoring & measurement, administrative practices and overall governance of any educational organization, an Internal Audit is a mandatory requirement as per EOMS (Management Systems for Educational Organizations)- ISO 21001:2018.

A Proficient EOMS Internal Auditor can add immense value to and help in enhancing the outcomes of educational systems in today’s challenging environment by assuring that an organization’s risk management, governance and internal controls on processes are operated effectively.

Our virtual tutor-led course for “EOMS Internal Auditor” has been designed by the international experts for the professionals who can contribute by creating value for the educational institutions through the International standard- ISO 21001:2018 for early childhood education, school education, higher education, L&D verticals and training/ coaching institutions.

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