Help! My Company Swiped Left!

Help! My Company Swiped Left! How To Manage Job Loss.

Course Description

If the course name made you laugh or cringe or coil in fear, you may be in the right place. We live in a time when companies, like people, aren’t very loyal. They expect a lot from those who receive their direct deposited paychecks, and at the first sign of trouble, they may look for people and places to cut. Just as some people flee relationships at the first bit of rockiness, companies may dump individual contributors, whole departments or divisions, and/or the bottom percentage of their salesforce at any given time. And when your company breaks up with you, it hurts. It hurts a lot. And you may wonder, was it me? Or was it them? This free course can help you navigate through the unknown and difficult times.

I know what it’s like. I’ve been there. I unexpectedly lost a job twice including one time when my boss left me a voicemail message letting me know it was my last day. I was sick at home and I couldn’t believe it when I listened to the voicemail. So yeah, I’ve been there and I can help you get through it.

This information is from the book, Help! My Company Swiped Left! by Jill L. Ferguson and Laura C. Browne.

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