Develop Your Natural Empathy

Develop Your Natural Empathy, How to Develop Your Natural Empathy and Compassion.

Course Description

This world could use more empathy. Empathy to understand others, to relate to others, to help others feel cared for and feel included. Empathy for others enriches our lives and stimulates our natural need to share our heart with others. Without empathy people feel alone and alienated from others. Without empathy people feel that they are not needed and creates loneliness even if when there are lots of people around. This is why there is so much loneliness even in the biggest cities. If we want to change this for those around us we need to develop our natural ability to empathize and feel compassion for others.

This course first defines what empathy is and how we can employ it to understand others and engage with others. The course then explores the benefits of developing our empathic feelings for others, and then how to employ this faculty to communicate and understand others. Then the course takes the student through a number of exercises that will help develop our natural empathy for others. This includes learning to actively listen, how to interview someone, how to take perspective, how to empathically debate with someone and how to understand what someone has gone through after a disaster. The course also describes how to create an empathy map for someone we are engaging with. This course will certainly raise your consciousness and help you to focus on understanding others better. This will also help you learn more about yourself and others.

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