OneNote for Busy Professionals: Quick and Dirty Guide (2021)

OneNote for Busy Professionals: Quick and Dirty Guide (2021), (2021) Supercharge your productivity by becoming a master digital note taker. Organize your digital content with ease.

Whether you are a student, working professional, teacher, artist, or someone who takes notes for planning, you need a solid note-taking approach to help organize your digital life.  Instead of being a passive consumer of lectures or videos, learn how to use a free digital note-taking tool such as OneNote to organize your content. We’ll look at the hidden tips and tricks in OneNote that help you become more productive.

Today, we have a plethora of tools at our disposal. One that I particularly love is Microsoft OneNote. Seen one way, OneNote is like any other digital note-taking tool. You can write notes, create checklists, and so on. Even Notepad can do that — which is a great tool, too, by the way.

But to the keen eye, OneNote reveals a ton of possibilities for taking your note-taking to an altogether new level. It’s these possibilities that I wanted to emphasize when I created my OneNote course. Did you know, for instance, that you can enhance your research or language learning from within the OneNote app?

Will OneNote end up as just another tool relegated to the background? Or will you wield OneNote with mastery to accomplish your goals?

Courses on OneNote are many. Ones with actionable insights are few.

If actionable insights matter to you, I just updated my OneNote course for 2021.

While this course covers mostly the OneNote 2016 desktop app on Windows, you will find a similar interface and mostly similar functions in the free OneNote apps for Windows, MAC, IOS, and Android.

OneNote is a great digital note-taking tool with many useful features. The greatest leaders in the world have efficient note-taking skills. This course goes beyond the basics of how to install OneNote and covers the actual tips and tricks that you can use to get the most of this incredibly useful tool.

We’ll look at how to organize your notes in the best way, how to use dictation, how to use tags to track your to-do lists and items, how to use OneNote for study, research, writing, and language learning, and a bunch of other scenarios and tips.

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