Local SEO Course: 10x Your Local Customers

Local SEO Course: 10x Your Local Customers, Get More Local Customers Coming To Your Website & Store Every Single Day! Grow Your Business with Local SEO Today.
Course Description
When people search for your business, are you there?
You created a website to bring in more customers to your business… but your website is like a vast dessrt with almost no inhabintants.
My name is Tyler Horvath and I am the CEO of Tyton Media. We are a popular SEO agency located in Kansas City.
If you have a business address and a website, you can get found in Google Places, Google Maps and Google Search. When people are searching for your service in your local area, you will get found.. brining in new leads every single day.
In this course, you will learn to turn your website into a bustling metropilice filled with incoming leads, visitors and traffic from people around your brick and mortar business.
You will learn the most up-to-date Local SEO methods and techniques to skyrocket your website traffic with highly targetted local customers.
We will go over:
- What is Local SEO?
- How does Local SEO Work?
- On Page Local SEO
- Off-Page Local SEO
- Citation Building
- And More
I look forward to teaching you about local SEO and I will see you inside!