The Conscious Composter Certification Course

The Conscious Composter Certification Course, Learning how to make compost correctly and consciously contribute to saving our planet.

The only composting course you will ever need

No matter where you live on the planet, no matter if you live in a highrise, a town or city or off grid in the middle of nowhere .. Our course will help you start to consciously create compost.

We teach you the basics of building a compost toilet and compost pile and how to make humanure compost.

We teach you the truth about composting and how to compost any organic matter safely too. So cast aside what anyone may have told you and anything you may have learnt before. Here we look at the science and the facts on creating highly nutritious soil, which retains way more water and holds way more carbon from the atmosphere. Enabling you to do your bit to consciously creating a new earth friendly future.

You do not need any prior experience whatsoever. You do however need a desire to learn.

We designed this course especially to suit people who have less data, struggle streaming and downloads. We use clear easy to read slides, minimal downloads and printouts Even having an eco manual which is cheaper to print out and uses less paper than in the coloured digital version. That features a yellow background especially to assist those who may be dyslexic.

There is also an opportunity to get yourself a separate Homa Bay Grassroots Community Certificate when you have completed your course. Homa Bay Grassroots Community Project is all about developing sustainable communities and businesses globally consciously creating a new happier and healthier way of life for you and our planet.

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