DIY Mold Inspection

DIY Mold Inspection, An economical mold inspection.

This course is designed for people that believe they may have a mold concern. You may be sick all the time and you don’t know what’s causing it. You could spend thousands of dollars for testing and inspections, just to find out that there isn’t a mold concern inside your property. There are many steps a homeowner can take to find out if there is a major mold problem or if it’s something they can take care of on their own. I will walk you through the proper steps to get to the bottom of a mold concern.

We will start with the exterior of the home and then make our way through the entire inspection. We will talk about the crawlspace, attic, basements, mechanical room, living areas, bathrooms and bedrooms. We will explain the different types of mold testing and when you should utilize certain steps. Toxic mold isn’t the only environmental and IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) concern you need to address inside your property. We will talk about Radon, Termites and VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds).

Most mitigation companies will tell you there’s a major concern so that they can charge you thousands of dollars to mitigate. You will learn how to do your own mold testing, which can be done for less than $100. If you’ve ever paid a mold specialist like myself, you know that it can get expensive quickly. This course could save you thousands of dollars on a problem that isn’t a major concern. This course may be something that addresses the fact that you’ve been sick for a long time and your doctor can’t get to the bottom of it.

I have been in the mold and construction industry since 1994. I will give you the perspective of a mold specialist and general contractor. By no means is this course a replacement for a professional inspector or IAQ specialist. Take the time to address your health and the health of your home, lets do this!

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