Real-Time Systems for Developers and Researchers 0XI|

Real-Time Systems for Developers and Researchers 0XI|, This course will take you from the absolute beginner to an EXPERT in Real-Time Systems.

Course Description

This course is about Real-Time Systems (RTSs), Real-Time Computing (RTC) and Real-Time Networks (RTN). In addition, you’ll learn about Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN), WebRTC, 5G and Real-Time Containerized Applications using Docker.
You’ll learn the usefull theory to be able to understand these topics, in addition you’ll learn how to analyse the real-time behaviour of your machine or your system, to categorize the machine based on the level of its real-time compatibilty and also to design and improve your machines to be Real-Time Compatible. You’ll also learn how to run containerized apps on your real-time environmet.

The RTSs Course from the Pretual School will teach you as few theory as you need and as much practice to be able to play with Real-Time Systems in Linux environment and to enable your devices to run real-time containerized applications.

The course is designed for Devleopers, Researchers and Managers and anyone who is intereted to learn RTSs and to learn many common usefull tools for enabling normal computers to be real-time compatable.

To join us and the other students in this course you will need:

  • a Computer with internet connection
  • Basic Linux knowledge (optional)
  • Something to drink 😉

Give yourself just 2 hours and watch the videos in the lectures, and we’ll teach you exactly what you need to know about Real-Time Systems in theory and practice.

If you want to learn Real-Time Systems because it is a hype topic or because it’s a good skill to have or because RTSs will help you get better career opportunities, or for any other good reasons, Join us & the other students in this course today 🙂

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