Pandas Challenges

Pandas Challenges, Solve these data analysis challenges using the Python Pandas library.

In this course you are presented with dozens of data analysis challenges requiring the Python Pandas library to solve. Each challenge is provided within a Jupyter Notebook and upon submission will get graded immediately. The challenges vary in difficulty and cover nearly all parts of the pandas library. Video solutions for each challenge are provided so that you can see exactly how Ted thinks about the problem.

Ted Petrou is a world-renowned pandas expert having written the books Pandas Cookbook and Master Data Analysis with Python. Ted has also answered more than 400 pandas questions on Stack Overflow and taught thousands of students both in-person and online. With this experience, he has developed hundreds of exercises that aim to teach the most efficient and effective ways at using the pandas library.

The pandas library is one of the most powerful and popular tools today for analyzing data with Python. Although it is widely used, it takes a long time to master. There are often multiple ways of solving the same problem and unfortunately many of these solutions are poor and ineffective. Ted has developed these challenges to teach you the very best practices for doing data analysis with pandas.

Do you have what it takes to solve these challenges?

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