Basics of Computer Network

Basics of Computer Network, Computer Network Basics.

Course Description

A group of two or ore computing devices connected via a form of communications technology.

For example- A business might use a computer network connected via cables or the Internet in order to gain access to a common server or to share programs, files and other information

Data communications (DC) is the process of using computing and communication technologies to transfer data from one place to another, and vice versa.

It enables the movement of electronic or digital data between two or more nodes, regardless of geographical location, technological medium or data contents.

Data communications refers to the transmission of this digital data between two or more computers and a computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data.

Data communications are the exchange of data between two devices using one or multiple forms of transmission medium.

The devices are in need to be a part of a communication system made up of hardware and software

Course Objectives:

1. Understand Computer Network &identify benefits of Computer Networks.

2.Understand and describe Communication Media.

3.Compare different types of Topology & network devices.

By learning the course students will be able to:

1: Analyze the functioning of Data Communication & Computer Network.

2: Select relevant Transmission media & switching techniques as per need.

3: Configure various networking devices.

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