Basics of Microfinance

Basics of Microfinance, Concept of Microcredits and Microfinance

Course Description

Microfinance refers to a measure that foresees a world in which low-income households have continuing access to a variety of high quality and affordable financial services to finance income-producing activities, build assets, steady consumption, and protect against risks.

The microfinance sector is dynamic and rapidly changing. This Basics of Microfinance’ course offers a detailed introduction into the topic of microfinance. It guides learners through the modules based on concept of microcredits and microfinance, products of microfinance, NABARD initiatives for development Microfinance in India and also dwell into role of Microfinance in Sustainable Development. Microfinance in India plays a major role in the development of India. It act as an anti-poverty injection for the people living below poverty line.

Participants of this course will come to know about various activities conducted for microfinance developments and its importance in achieving Sustainable developments. Through this course students will be able to understand the low-income market for financial systems and contemplating the future of microfinance. Considering the importance of microfinance in Sustainable Developments Goals -2030 new opportunities are emerging to fit these unique demands. For finance professionals traditional career roles are blurring as microfinance brings together professionals with varied backgrounds to work in collaborative teams who have this unique combinations of skills and experiences.

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