XR UX Foundations: Immersion and Presence

XR UX Foundations: Immersion and Presence, It’s way more than just the UI and the flow.
Course Description
For those of you that come from a 2D design background, you’re probably used to only worrying about the UI design, the interactions and the flow of the experience.
Any good designer thinks about these things. However, with head-mounted XR – or more specifically VR – there are a lot more things to think about than just the flow, the UI and the ease of use. With VR in particular, the goal is usually to create an immersive experience that makes you feel like you’re somewhere else, and there are many different aspects of an experience that can make or break that feeling of immersion and presence.
Some of those things we can control, and some of those things we can’t. While we can’t control all of the external distractions people may be dealing with in their own personal space, we can control the design of the experience.
When we design an immersive experience, of course we still need to pay attention to the interface, the interactions and the flow. That’s always going to be the case with any platform. However, with VR, there are tons of things to think about that may have never occurred to you.
In this course, I’ll teach you what to think about when you’re designing immersive VR experiences, and show you how to counter the technical limitations that can break immersion. This is a curated course of content that I’ve created over the years around immersion and presence in XR, and it will lay part of the foundational knowledge of UX Best Practices for XR that you’ll need when creating your own experiences.