Subjective Color- Value of Color- Color Theory

Subjective Color- Value of Color- Color Theory, Students will use color as value- subjective colors.

Course Description

Students will learn Color Theory in this class. Students will make a value of color chart equating the twelve colors on the color wheel to a gray. Students will learn how light or dark each color is on its own. (We also lighten and darken colors with whites, grays, blacks, and complements.) Here the students are learning the intrinsic value, or lighness or darkness of the color. Students will start with a black and white image. Then the student will use the warm side of the value of color chart to do a drawing translating the grays into pure, warm colors. The colors the student will use are- yellow, yellow-orange, orange, red-orange, red, and red violet. The student can add black and white for contrast if they like. The students can use any media, but I suggest colored pencils. Then the student will choose another black and white image with shading. This time, the student will use the cool colors as values. The colors the students will use are yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, blue-violet, and violet. Finally, the students will complete a drawing with both warm and cool colors as values. Students can add black and white for contrast to any of the drawings.

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