Scripting practices with Python and Blender

Scripting practices with Python and Blender, Step by step scripting with Python and Blender.

Hello and welcome.

If you are a python developer who is interested in implementing your knowledge to automate the creation of 3D figures, this course is for you.

This course focuses on the creation of 3D figures by using simple and complex programming logic.

For this, we will use Blender and his integrated scripting section that allow us to code and access the blender api.

We will learn how to use the scripting section and the sections that compose it.

We will create figures by using vertices, edges and faces.

And finally, we will create Addons that will allow us to execute the code outside the scripting section by integrating the logic into the user interface.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to use the scripting section of blender
  • Create objects from vertices, edges and faces
  • Basic use of the libraries bpy and bmesh to access the blender api
  • Create a Blender Addon and assign it a custom menu item
  • Implement a parametric formula to create a rose curve

This course is for everybody. You may need to know about basic scripting but if you are new with programming or with python, the course is explained step by step so you can follow and finish it.

This course may be attractive to you because it can help you to implement mathematical formulas that are used to plot graphics into blender and create custom figures with it.

I hope you find the content useful and that you can apply it to your personal projects.

Have fun and happy learning.

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