Introduction to Graphic Design

Introduction to Graphic Design, Purpose, Types and Key Principles of Graphic Design.

This Free comprehensive Video course was made for those who want to explore graphics design and need a strong foundation to start and currently practicing graphic designers who do not know the principles and qualities that make a fantastic and yet effective design.

In this tutorial series, we will be touching on 3 major topics:

• The first topic is understanding what graphic design really is, and the main purpose of graphics design. Also recommended graphic design software to use

•The second one is The Types of Graphics design so you can know which ones you seek to venture into.

• The third topic teaches you the 7 major principles of graphic design which is important for every graphic designer who weeks to create beautiful and effective designs.


The subject topics are explained simplistically and illustratively.

Videos contain high-quality examples that are referenced to buttress points.

The tutorial videos are highly graphical with subject matter concepts explained with animations.

Topics are explained structurally in a step-by-step fashion at a very moderate pace.

It is a free course with premium quality value.

I am available to attend to any questions you may have…

At the end of this course, you will be equipped with refining knowledge that will guide you to creating high-quality graphic design works.  At the end of the course, you will be directed to where you can start applying the knowledge gotten by acquiring graphics design skills that will move you from a beginner to a professional.

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