Behavioral Design & User Experience

Behavioral Design & User Experience, The smallest changes that lead to the biggest impacts!

I truly believe BIG new forming habits and IMPACTFUL strategies do not necessarily mean spending many resources in terms of time and money. We need of course some time to study certain unwanted behaviors and devise “simple” changes that can result in a remarkable outcome in the way we do things.

This course will shed some light and broaden your perspective on how to look at designing your products and services in a way that increases turnovers, and interactions and overall improve customer experience, referring to contemporary proven theories.

Backed up by some solid scientific data in the literature, we will harness the power of behavioral science and behavioral economics to design and create services that are impactful and lead us to the best interactions with customers.

What would NOT you learn here?

There is a fine line between what behavioral science can achieve positively and how it can be exploited in some deceitful ways. I will NOT teach you tips and tricks to make your customers sedated and unaware of what sort of strategies are being applied to them. Rather, we will explore how we can make changes for wanted positive behaviors with lesser frictions…

Who should be taking this?

Simply, anyone who is interested in improving the customer experience in his/he firm! But to be more precise, the below stakeholders should give it a serious try:

– UI/UX designers.

– Customer Experience Agents.

– Products Managers.

– Marketers.

– Chief Influencers.

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