Change Management
Mastering Change: Activating Transformation
5 months ago

Mastering Change: Activating Transformation

Free $84.99
Mastering Change: Activating Transformation, Strategies to Embrace Change for Personal and Professional Transformation. Course Descritpion Mastering Change: Strategies to Embrace Change for ...
Thrive with Managing the Change
Thrive with Managing the Change. Course Description This course was specifically designed to teach common adults like us to tap on the niche and unheard of skills and tools in managing constant ...
How To Make Change Happen In Your Organisation – Overview
How To Make Change Happen In Your Organisation - Overview, An introduction to our Change Management methodology and the first step in targeting the problem to solve. Course Description ...
Change Management For Beginners
Change Management For Beginners, Lead Your Transformation To Success In 5 Pillars! Course Description This change management course covers the key principles and practices of effective change ...
Planning and Managing Change Masterclass
Planning and Managing Change Masterclass, Take the pain away from planning and managing change - make the change, add value and get noticed. Course Description People tend not to like change, ...
Change Management: Make the Change!
2 years ago

Change Management: Make the Change!

Free $69.99
Change Management: Make the Change! Follow me around the world in 80 days in this step by step guide to a professional change management approach. We all live in times of constant change - ...
Change Management: Beginner to Expert
2 years ago

Change Management: Beginner to Expert

Free $24.99
Change Management: Beginner to Expert,, Learn all the fundamentals of organizational change management and thrive in management and leadership. Ultimate course on the fundamentals of ...
Change Management for Individuals
3 years ago

Change Management for Individuals

Free $19.99
Change Management for Individuals, Adaptability & Flexibility in Life & Workplace. As Change is the only constant, many of us have radical changes in their lives, especially these times ...
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